![]() Maestro Nick Frater has released a stellar new album called "Earworms". And it truly does live up to its name, chock full of catchy songs! I encourage all to check it out here. Shindig! magazine gave it a 5 star review! And, the LPs ship with a bonus CD secret album; The ReButles (the imagined solo careers of The Rutles! It is an 8 song EP, all fab songs to be sure. Nick invited me to sing lead on the track "Baby I'm Amazing". Here is a track list, and with these titles you know the EP is already a smashing corker. The ReButles 01. Stuck In A Rut 02. Baby I'm Amazing 03. The Lost Weekend 04. Hah Hah 05. Sodor And Gommorrah 06. You Only Live Once 07. When We Were Eighteen 08. The Last LAugh Go buy your copy of Earwoms today, and get the bonus EP by The ReButles
Our new album (Chameleon Sessions) has finally arrived and is being sent out to all of those who pre-orderd in Japan several months ago. There are two versions of this CD, the standard and the version with OBI notes. Also, Disk Union and other record stores in Japan have restock of The Furry While Album as well as our debut, Rehearsing The Multiverse. All of our CD releases in Japan come with or without OBI notes, including the rare "Double Entendre" album.
Thank you for your support, Japan! Cheers! Sometime back I was asked to lend some vocals to my friend's new song, which is *very* Beatlesque in the best way.
So, here is the song "The Happy Place" by Geoffrey Raines. Click on THIS to hear it. Or, you can visit bardomusic.com and listen to the entire EP. I have also lent a hand to a few other projects, both of which I think you will like - one of which is knee deep in the spirit of Macca Beatles. I will keep you posted when I hear more about those releases. Cheers! Kirkcaldy Since dropping the last and presumably final Famous Groupies album, I have had time to dig even deeper into Patrick's notes, song books, tapes and sheet music. There is a wealth of good material here, but I could spend a lifetime trying to get it all 'out there' properly and I'd probably fail miserably. I doubt there is enough time. So, I had a thought.
I've been cobbling together as much of the better recordings that I could find. That is to say, the actual recordings for the many demo's and ideas that Patrick himself had recorded between the years 1968 and 1980. I very much like the idea of releasing those recordings - as is- for his fan base to digest and ponder. Anyway, its still in negotiation with my family, and a few of us don't much care for the idea of releasing Patrick's material in this way, and I can respect and appreciate their point of view. So, this may or may not even happen, but I am hoping that it does. I will keep you all posted should I have any good news in the future. Meanwhile, I have been making my own recordings of the aforementioned songs, and perhaps I will release my versions of those songs - if everyone is onboard with that idea as well. They are just simple demos of me working out Patrick's material on my own...with a guitar or piano. Nothing polished, mind you. I will say, I did indeed stumble onto this behemoth of a song, an epic concoction of many songs rolled into one. I suppose I would compare it to 'Backseat of My Car' meets 'Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey'. I've spent a week on that song alone, just trying to figure it all out -much like a jigsaw puzzle. If anything, I would love to track that one proper and share it. Its just too good to be sitting in a footlocker. We are pleased to announce that our new album is now available for sale at these fine outlets in Japan, be it brick and mortar or online. Here are but a few places to shop - for our friends in Japan.
*Click on the pic to be redirected. We are delighted to announce that our fourth and ultimately final album has been unleashed upon this world. We have spent these past 8 months working away on these 15 (technically 16) songs, and fruition has arrived. We set you free, Chameleon sessions...
If you follow us on Facebook, then you have seen our daily introductions to all of the brilliant guest artists who were so generous to help us out with many of the songs on Chameleon Sessions. To recap, here is a list of those wonderful artists who contributed: (in alphabetical order) Rosie Abbott Eric Barao KC Bowman Michael Carpenter Kai Danzberg David Myhr Yohei Namba Andrea Perry Marco Rea Chuck Sabo This project has been a blast, we have thoroughly enjoyed it on every level. We thank you for taking a chance and exploring these songs and we hope that you have enjoyed the journey with us. All the best to you from Famous Groupies! and Hello!
Well, as we wrap up the fourth and possibly final Famous Groupies album, I thought it best to update our current status. Below you will find a chalkboard chalk full of songs (pun intended). There have been a few additions and subtractions since we began sorting song selection and recording, but we feel that this collection is the right chemistry for the Chameleon Sessions album. I must add that for those songs we have removed from the original song list, not to worry - they won't go to waste. Those songs will be given away freely to those who pre-order the album between now its and release date -which will be later this month (August). Bonus songs -as it were. A few alt mixes will be given out as well. There are quite a few guest artists on this record and I plan on sharing those names just prior to the albums release. Its just more fun that way. Many talented friends joined in to add their own magic and make this record very special indeed. Thanks again for all of your support and we will see you soon! Famous Groupies Finally!
Our new single and new video will be unleashed onto the world in just a few short hours. "Voodoo Woman" is the very first single from the soon to be released "Chameleon Sessions". Have you subscribed to our YouTube Channel yet? You should! Here is that link, we don't want you to miss all the many new songs and videos coming soon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQoF8_R1qwc It's strange to think that only 8 months ago we had released The Furry White Album, and only 5 months prior to that, the Double Entendre album. And 9 months prior to that, our debut album was released. We have certainly been keeping busy and it shows. The new album (Chameleon Sessions) is now available for pre-order <------ Just click on this link to take you there, or click up at the top on the Chameleon Sessions pre-order tab. You can pick from the CD or digital download. When you pre-order the album early, you will receive a few bonus perks. How about the new single, Voodoo Woman on mp3 or WAV? You will get that tomorrow, once the video has been released. Also, one week prior to the albums release (which will be sometime in August, 2021) - we will send you one non-album track. We also plan on printing up some posters of the super secret album cover (it's pretty damn cool). Over at the pre-order page there is a lovely faux album cover sitting pretty, but the real cover will not be released until the actual release date for the album. Isn't that fun?! More news will follow soon, keep your ear to the wall and watch out for the "voodoo woman"!!! She'll get ya. We are pleased to announce that our first single from the new album (Chameleon Sessions) with be released as a video in July.
As mentioned in previous posts, our new album is much more eclectic than the previous three and there are several songs that favour the work of Jeff Lynne and ELO in a very big way. So, we had a wee bit of fun with the song, "Voodoo Woman". We turned up the ELO to 11, and I confess that the production is a bit over the top for us, but its all in good fun. And the video is all about having fun as well. We've not set on a release date for the new album just yet, there is still some tinkering going on and one or two songs are under scrutiny as they may or may not be replaced with other songs. Sometimes you have to try different ingredients to get the stew just right, and we want this album to be 'just right'. Still, this album will be a summer release and we look forward to an official announcement for the magic release date......very soon. Cheers, Famous Groupies Hello, all...
A little update for those interested in the future of Famous Groupies. First, let's chat about our next album, "The Chameleon Sessions". We have been chipping away at the songs for a few months now, and as some of us Groupies now live in different parts of the world, the recording process has proven difficult, but thankfully everyone has the ability to record their parts from their flats. The Chameleon Sessions will be very different from the previous albums, many more influences will be apparent and this album will also feature many guest artists and musicians. We have met lots of new friends since releasing our albums, many of them are fine songwriters, musicians and artists themselves, so we thought we would invite some of those talented friends to join in on these chameleon songs. And I think you will like the end result. We hope to release this album this summer, preferably in July. The Chameleon Sessions may very well be the final release for this version of Famous Groupies. That is to say, this group has been somewhat of a family affair, but as some of us have moved on and no longer live in Scotland, and some of us are getting married and starting new lives in new places and some of us are simply too busy to continue setting aside the time to record all these songs that Patrick McKenzie left behind. Having said that, I (Kirkcaldy) may still carry on by myself and record more songs from Patrick's vast catalogue. There is much of Patrick's work that I believe should be heard, so I have no immediate plans to stop recording them anytime soon. I will keep you posted on that future. In other news, we have released our first album, "Rehearsing The Multiverse" - on all digital and streaming platforms. So if you'd like to finally buy the album on iTunes - it's there for the taking. And of course, Apple Music, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio, Spotify and a 150 other relative platforms carry our album for your listening pleasure. Eventually we will release the other two albums for these formats, but that's down the road a wee bit. Be on the look out for the first two singles from The Chameleon Sessions. They should be set free in June. The band would like to thank everyone reading this for your support and kind words regarding Patrick's music. It has been a great joy to bring these songs to an endearing audience who appreciate them as much as we do. Many thanks from Kirkcaldy and Famous Groupies. |
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